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Is there a way to bind qpid to a different IP other than localhost?

I am just curious if there is a way to bind qpid to an IP such as

The reason I ask is I'm looking to deploy many instances to a PaaS and will need multiple running instances. This is not possible if everything tries to bind to localhost:8080.

Does anyone know of a wayt o configure this? I could not find in the qpid documentation.

This question was crossed posted to the Qpid developer mailing list and was discussed here . For the benefit anyone else with the same question, I will summarise the answer here.

For Qpid CPP Broker, for release 0.20 and beyond, use the --interface argument to qpidd .

For Qpid Java Broker, for releases 0.22 and beyond, you can restrict the AMQP port to a particular interface by specifying a binding address attribute in the port's configuration. Use the Web Management Console to edit the AMQP port and specify a binding address. Restart the Broker for the change to take effect. The Java Broker docs describes the process of editing a port. It is currently not possible to specify a binding address for the ports used by HTTP or JMX Management, though these plugins can be disabled if desired.

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