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restkit Mapping CLLocationCoordinate2D from response

I have some geolocation data, and I need to parse it to CLLocationCoordinate2D from object geo

"geo": [

I found some information on how this could work with RKCLLocationValueTransformer , but I don't understand how to get this to work for my situation.

You can't go direct to a CLLocationCoordinate2D because it's a struct, not a class.

RKCLLocationValueTransformer works in the same way as the value transformer for dates (which convert from NSString to NSDate instances) except that it converts from NSDictionary to CLLocation .

Your problem is that your JSON provides the location as an array, not a dictionary...

As such, you will need a different solution. You could look at making a modification to RKCLLocationValueTransformer (and raising a pull request). Your modification would add a different creation method (perhaps locationValueTransformerForArrayRepresentation: , which takes an enum parameter describing if the latitude or longitude comes first in the array). Then modify transformValue:toValue:ofClass:error: to check the configuration and make the appropriate mappings.

After you've done that the github page describes how to use the transformer.

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