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hide div when no checkbox is checked

I am trying to show hidden text if at least one checkbox is checked and hide it if none are checked. I have a multiple checkboxes.The hidden text isn't showing when I check the checkooxes. Any help? Here is fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/HDGJ9/1/

<input type="checkbox" name="ch[]">
<input type="checkbox" name="ch[]">
<input type="checkbox" name="ch[]">
<input type="checkbox" name="ch[]">
<div class="txt" style="display:none">

$(".txt").show();  // checked
$(".txt").hide();  // unchecked

Enclose/wrap your code with event handler like

$('input[name="ch[]"]').on('change', function () {
 //your code



You can just check the length of checked checkboxes...

var $checkboxes = $(':checkbox');
$checkboxes.on('change', function(){
  $('.txt').toggle( $checkboxes.filter(':checked').length > 0 );

Nothing is executing your javascript code. There are many ways to execute, and also many ways to achieve the result you want. You can assign it to a click or change event like so:

$("input[name='ch[]']").click(function() {
        $(".txt").show();  // checked
        $(".txt").hide();  // unchecked

Here is an updated fiddle that checks your function everytime you click.

In your code, the test for checked/unchecked boxes occurs only once, when the page loads. You should run this check every time the value of any of the checkboxes changes. Something like

function refresh() {
    if ($('input[name="ch[]"]').is(':checked')) {
        $(".txt").show(); // checked
    } else {
        $(".txt").hide(); // unchecked


JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MHB8q/1/

You are selecting all four checkbox elements here, you need to only select one that is checked, and see if you get a result:

    $(".txt").show();  // checked
} else {
    $(".txt").hide();  // unchecked

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/HDGJ9/10/

$('input[name="ch[]"]').on('change', function() {

  if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    $('.txt').css('display', 'block');

  else {
    var checked = false;
    $('input[name="ch[]"]').each(function(i, el) {
      if ($(el).is(':checked')) checked = true;
    if (!checked) $('.txt').css('display', 'none');


Version with the least amount of event handlers:

$(document).on("change", ":checkbox", function(){
var isAtLeastOneCheckboxChecked = $(':checkbox').filter(":checked").length > 0;
if (isAtLeastOneCheckboxChecked)

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3d79N/

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