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Custom Delegate in UINavigationController calling from subview

I have a UINavigationController which is presented in a Modal view. I want the view which is presenting the navigationcontroller to be responsible for removing the modal. Therefor I created a delegate method on the UINavigationController:

@protocol MyNaviDelegate <NSObject>



How can I call this delegate method from a subview (lets say if the user is 2 levels deep into the navigationcontroller (like VIEW C)?

| NAVIGATION CONTROLLER                                 |
| --------------     --------------      -------------- |
| |  VIEW A    |  -> |   VIEW B   |  ->  |   VIEW C   | |
| |            |     |            |      |            | |
| --------------     --------------      -------------- |
|                                                       |

Thanks in advance!

You can send Notification on a particular event(from View C) to that controller class in which you are presenting the navigationcontroller. Then you can remove it.

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