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Facebook login via social framework in ios

I'm new with iOS development. I have to integrate Facebook login in my iOS app, as user logs in it fetches all the info and navigates it to home screen. I have done this via Facebook latest SDK but I want it to be done via social framework. I have gone through lots of online stuff and also have found examples where they are sharing(posting) content on Facebook page(Wall) via social framework but not Facebook login exactly. Anyone please help, let me know if Facebook login is possible via social framework or i have to stick to SDK. Thanks in Advance

Import Social and Acount Framwork

put this code in your .m file

    self.accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc]init];
    ACAccountType *FBaccountType= [self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook];

    NSString *key = @"451805654875339";
    NSDictionary *dictFB = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:key,ACFacebookAppIdKey,@[@"email"],ACFacebookPermissionsKey, nil];

    [self.accountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType:FBaccountType options:dictFB completion:
     ^(BOOL granted, NSError *e) {
         if (granted)
             NSArray *accounts = [self.accountStore accountsWithAccountType:FBaccountType];
             //it will always be the last object with single sign on
             self.facebookAccount = [accounts lastObject];

             ACAccountCredential *facebookCredential = [self.facebookAccount credential];
             NSString *accessToken = [facebookCredential oauthToken];
             NSLog(@"Facebook Access Token: %@", accessToken);

             NSLog(@"facebook account =%@",self.facebookAccount);

             [self get];

             [self getFBFriends];

             isFacebookAvailable = 1;
         } else
             //Fail gracefully...
             NSLog(@"error getting permission yupeeeeeee %@",e);
             NSLog(@"awake from sleep");
             isFacebookAvailable = 0;



    if (isFacebookAvailable == 0)
        [self checkFacebook];
        isFacebookAvailable = 1;
        printf("Get out from our game");


    NSURL *requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://graph.facebook.com/me"];

    SLRequest *request = [SLRequest requestForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook requestMethod:SLRequestMethodGET URL:requestURL parameters:nil];
    request.account = self.facebookAccount;

    [request performRequestWithHandler:^(NSData *data, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {


            NSDictionary *list =[NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&error];

            NSLog(@"Dictionary contains: %@", list );

            self.globalmailID   = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[list objectForKey:@"email"]];
            NSLog(@"global mail ID : %@",globalmailID);

            fbname = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[list objectForKey:@"name"]];
            NSLog(@"faceboooookkkk name %@",fbname);

            if([list objectForKey:@"error"]!=nil)
                [self attemptRenewCredentials];

            //handle error gracefully
            NSLog(@"error from get%@",error);
            //attempt to revalidate credentials


    self.accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc]init];
    ACAccountType *FBaccountType= [self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook];

    NSString *key = @"451805654875339";
    NSDictionary *dictFB = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:key,ACFacebookAppIdKey,@[@"friends_videos"],ACFacebookPermissionsKey, nil];

    [self.accountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType:FBaccountType options:dictFB completion:
     ^(BOOL granted, NSError *e) {}];


-(void)accountChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
    [self attemptRenewCredentials];

    [self.accountStore renewCredentialsForAccount:(ACAccount *)self.facebookAccount completion:^(ACAccountCredentialRenewResult renewResult, NSError *error){
            switch (renewResult) {
                case ACAccountCredentialRenewResultRenewed:
                    NSLog(@"Good to go");
                    [self get];
                case ACAccountCredentialRenewResultRejected:
                    NSLog(@"User declined permission");
                case ACAccountCredentialRenewResultFailed:
                    NSLog(@"non-user-initiated cancel, you may attempt to retry");

            //handle error gracefully
            NSLog(@"error from renew credentials%@",error);

Also logged in your native Facebook application in your device/Simulator

Swift 3 Version of solution @reena

@IBAction func loginButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {

    var facebookAccount: ACAccount?
    let options:[String : Any] = [ACFacebookAppIdKey: "YOUR_FACEBOOK_API_KEY", ACFacebookPermissionsKey: ["email"],ACFacebookAudienceKey:ACFacebookAudienceFriends]

    let accountStore = ACAccountStore()

    let facebookAccountType = accountStore.accountType(withAccountTypeIdentifier: ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook)

    accountStore.requestAccessToAccounts(with: facebookAccountType, options: options) { (granted:Bool, error:Error?) in
        if granted{
            let accounts = accountStore.accounts(with: facebookAccountType)
            facebookAccount = accounts?.last as? ACAccount

            let dict:NSDictionary = facebookAccount!.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: ["properties"]) as NSDictionary
            let properties:NSDictionary = dict["properties"] as! NSDictionary

            print("facebook Response is-->:%@",properties)
        else {
            if let err = error as? NSError, err.code == Int(ACErrorAccountNotFound.rawValue) {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.displayAlert("There is no Facebook accounts configured. you can add or created a Facebook account in your settings.")
            } else {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.displayAlert("Permission not granted For Your Application")


Facebook login using Accounts and social framework (swift)

var facebookAccount: ACAccount?

        let options: [NSObject : AnyObject] = [ACFacebookAppIdKey: "YOUR_FACEBOOK_API_KEY", ACFacebookPermissionsKey: ["publish_stream","publish_actions"],ACFacebookAudienceKey:ACFacebookAudienceFriends]
        let accountStore = ACAccountStore()
        let facebookAccountType = accountStore.accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier(ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook)

            accountStore.requestAccessToAccountsWithType(facebookAccountType, options: options) { (granted, error) -> Void in
                if granted
                    let accounts = accountStore.accountsWithAccountType(facebookAccountType)
                    self.facebookAccount = accounts.last as? ACAccount
                    let accountsArray=accountStore.accountsWithAccountType(facebookAccountType) as NSArray

                    self.facebookAccount=accountsArray.lastObject as? ACAccount
                    var dict:NSDictionary

                    let properties:NSDictionary=dict["properties"] as! NSDictionary
                    print("facebook Response is-->:%@",properties)
                    if error.code == Int(ACErrorAccountNotFound.rawValue) {
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                            self.displayAlert("There is no Facebook accounts configured. you can add or created a Facebook account in your settings.")
                    } else {
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                            self.displayAlert("Permission not granted For Your Application")


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