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Cannot connect to a network mysql database

I am building a Windows Store application who is intended to interact with a MySql database located at a server in my local network. I am using MySQL connector/net RT to connect(which works on my testing localhost DB), the problem is that for some reason i cannot connect to the network database; although i can get a successful connection with a different Win32 app, who has the same connection string. i disabled the firewall, i created a new user on the host to access from my AP, etc. Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong?


using MySQL.Data.MySqlClient;
using Windows.UI.Popups;

MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("server=;port=3306;database=mydb;uid=user;password=****;");
catch (MySqlException e){
    MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(e.ToString());

//Exception: failed to Open Connection

This is how I connect. Hope it Helps

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class ClassMySqlConnect
Public Shared SQLConnect As String = "Server=YOURSERVERADDRESS; User Id=YOURID; Password=YOURPASSWORD;Database=YOURDATABASENAME"
Public Function connect(ByVal PlayerID As String) As String

    Dim SQLConnection = New MySqlConnection
    SQLConnection.ConnectionString = SQLConnect
        If SQLConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
            'Return "Sucessfully Connected to MySql Database"
            ' Return "Connection is closed"
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        ' Return ex.ToString()
    End Try

    Dim SQLStatement As String = "INSERT INTO Toons (PlayerID) Values('" + PlayerID + "')"
    Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
    With cmd
        .CommandText = SQLStatement
        .CommandType = CommandType.Text
        .Connection = SQLConnection
    End With

    Return "successfully saved"

End Function

End Class

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