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Getting CS0843 (backing field must be assigned) when calling constructor of struct

I am trying to replicate .NET's Color struct , which lets you call colors using Color.Black , Color.White etc. Here's my code:

    struct Material
        public string FilePath { get; set; }

        public Material(string filepath) { FilePath = filepath; }

        public static Material Sand
                return new Material("images/sand");

        public static Material Conrete
                return new Material("images/conrete");

I'm getting an error saying I cannot use a constructor in a struct . I am effectively copying from the .NET source code (Color.cs) and this is how it does it, although it doesn't use a constructor. The static properties do return a new Material() however.

Full error message appearing on constructor CS0843 :

backing field for automatically implemented property must be fully assigned before it is returned to the caller

You can simply "chain" this() , as in:

public Material(string filepath)
  : this()
  FilePath = filepath;

and this is the most common solution.

Of course you can do the same in other ways:

public Material(string filepath)
  this = default(Material);
  FilePath = filepath;


public Material(string filepath)
  this = new Material { FilePath = filepath, };

and so on.

You CAN have a constructor, just not one with zero arguments.

However, isn't it clearer to write

new Material { FilePath = "images/concrete" }

instead of

new Material("images/concrete");

A custom constructor can always be bypassed by invoking the framework-provided parameterless constructor, so it can't be relied on for setting up invariants. And fields and properties can be set using member-initialization syntax. So struct constructors aren't terribly useful.

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