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Text Input reading a Color Picker value AS3

So I am trying to code a Text Input to display the decimal color value. I have one color picker and one text input. Here is my code.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
import fl.events.ColorPickerEvent;
var ColorPickerThing:ColorPicker


function ColorCode(event:ColorPickerEvent):void { 
    this.ColorValue.text = this.ColorPickerThing.selectedColor;

So in the end I want the decimal value for any color I pick to show up in the text input.


So if anyone could help it would be greatly apreciated. :)

I need help as this doesn't work. :/ I was hoping I could make it on my own but sadly my knowledge is limited. So I need help on making it work.

I think the problem is that you haven't properly assigned any instance names and wired them to your variables in your code properly.

Try this code:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
import fl.events.ColorPickerEvent;
var ColorPickerThing:ColorPicker = my_color_picker;

this.ColorPickerThing.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, ColorCode);

function ColorCode(event: ColorPickerEvent):void {
    this.my_color_picker_value.text = this.ColorPickerThing.selectedColor.toString();

And on your stage, set the instance name of the text field you are using to display the selected color to be 'my_color_picker_value' and set the instance name of the actual color picker component to be 'my_color_picker'.

Using your code as a starting point, I was able to create a working example in Flash CC using the code I've provided to you above. In my example, when you select a color in the color picker component, the decimal value of that color is shown in the text field. Is that what you wanted?

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