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How do I pass parameters to an Angular service?

I have an Angular service:

angular.module('transactionService', ['ngResource']).
    factory('Transaction', function($resource){ 
      return $resource('/api/transaction/:transactionId', {}, {
        'query':   {method:'GET',     params:{transactionId : ''},          isArray : true},
        'get':     {method:'GET',     params:{transactionId : '@_id.$oid'}, isArray : false},
        'save':    {method:'POST',    params:{transactionId : ''},          isArray : false},
        'update':  {method:'PUT',     params:{transactionId : '@_id.$oid'}, isArray : false},

Which I call as:

transaction = {
   _id : { $oid : '20495823405984059' }
Transaction.update(transaction, function(d) {});

But it fetches the URL:


instead of:


The documentation shows that this is the correct way to pass parameters, but they aren't getting interpolated. What am I doing wrong?


angular.module('transactionService', ['ngResource']).
    factory('Transaction', function($resource){ 
      return $resource('/api/transaction/:transactionId', {}, {
        'query':   {method:'GET',     params:{transactionId : ''},          isArray : true},
        'get':     {method:'GET',     params:{transactionId : '@transactionId'}, isArray : false},
        'save':    {method:'POST',    params:{transactionId : ''},          isArray : false},
        'update':  {method:'PUT',     params:{transactionId : '@transactionId'}, isArray : false},

Call it like this:

transaction = {
   transactionId : '20495823405984059' //your problem is the key transactionId is missing
Transaction.update(transaction, function(d) {});

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