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Autolayout - How to align with longest item

Suppose I have a view that contains two columns of objects. The first column contains labels, and the second column contains, say, sliders. I want the sliders all to align left with each other. I want the labels all to align left with each other. The trick is, how can I set the spacing between the labels and sliders so that the default spacing is used between the left sliders and the longest label, thus:

label 1            slider 1
label 2            slider 2
longer label 3     slider 3
very long label 4[]slider 4
label 5            slider 5

I've placed square brackets, [], where the default spacing should be. Is it possible to add this sort of constraint in the storyboard (iOS 7)? If so, how? The trick is that I don't know which label is the longest, especially with localization.

Ideally, I could specify a bounding box around the labels and align the sliders with the right side of the bounding box.

Yes, you can do this in IB. All the labels should have their left edges aligned, and one of them should have a fixed space to the left edge of their superview (all the elements should be enclosed in a UIView). Similarly, the sliders would have their right edges aligned and one of them would have a fixed space to the right edge of the box. Give one of the labels a horizontal spacing constraint to a slider -- make that a short one, say ==8 with a priority of 900 (that's the important thing). Now, give all the labels a >= constraint with whatever value you want for the minimum spacing (and leave the priority at 1000).

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