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CodeIgniter URL issue

I am having difficulty getting the correct URL when I call a method to load a view.

Heres my controller:

public function post() {
        $title = $this->input->post('title');
        $data = $this->p_Model->post($title);

public function qs($id){
        $title = $this->s_Model->getTitle($id);
        $result = $title->result();
        $this->load->view('q_View', array('results' => $result));

Heres my view:(note this view is not the view which gets loaded from the qs function, but one which calls the qs function)

        if (isset($qs)) {
            foreach ($qs as $row) {
                $id = $row->qID;
                echo '<a href="'.site_url('myController/qs/'.$id).'">';
                echo $row->title;
                echo "<br>";

So in my controller I have two functions, the qs function works separately by itself so can be called in the view and give the following url myController/qs/1 however when I use the post function I get a url like this myController/post so my question is how can I get my url to be like the first example?

尝试base_url ,也可以使用current_url()返回当前正在查看的页面的完整URL(包括分段)。

echo '<a href="'.base_url('myController/qs/'.$id).'">';

Instead of using the line:


You can use a redirect:


That should work in the same way that you have used in your view

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