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Laravel and Eloquent : Update multiple Model & Relationships

How can you update multiple models and their relations at the same time?

EditPost is a model with a editor() relation belongsTo User model.

Now lets say I have to update the editor in all the EditPost objects with original_post_id


a. To do it by referring the user by ID instead of by the Model User


b. To do it by a foreach and saving each model

Neither of these appeals to me as they don't gel in general with the object concept of Eloquent or they would mean doing multiple updates instead of one. I was wondering if Eloquent itself had a more elegant solution

You don't specify the other end of the association, but I assume you are looking for something like this?:

$user = User::find(3)
EditPost::where('original_post_id', 4)->editor()->associate($user)->save();

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