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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of undefined in Meteor JS

I tried giving input tag at runtime in meteor JS but not getting executed. Here pasting the code which i have written... And when we create a button how to add events at runtime... and i got error at execution time : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of undefined ,so Please check the code and suggest me how to do. waiting for response thank u in advance...

HTML Code :

  <title>TICTACTOE App</title>

  {{> main}}


<template name="main">
     <h1>Welcome to TICTACTOE App</h1>
    <p><b>Layout Number :</b> <input type="text" id="no" ></p>

JS Code:

var no;
var newButton;
if (Meteor.isClient)
  // Template.hello.greeting = function ()
  // {
    // return "User Name :";
  // };

    'keydown input#no' : function ()
      // template data, if any, is available in 'this'
      if (event.which == 13) 
        // 13 is the enter key event
          console.log("You pressed  enter key");
        no = document.getElementById('no');
         if(no.value != '')
function UI()
  console.log("*** UI() ***");
  for(var i = 1 ; i <= no ; i++)
      //TODO:: is there any possibility to add buttons to template at runtime?
      var body = document.getElementsByName('main')[0];
      for(var j = 1 ; j <= no ; j++)
         newButton = document.createElement('input');
         newButton.type = 'button';
         newButton.id = 'btn'+i+j; 
             body.appendChild(newButton);  //here tried by creating a button at runtime      
      var newline = document.createElement('br');

if (Meteor.isServer) 
  Meteor.startup(function () 
    // code to run on server at startup

Note, I'm not at home and can't test it on my dev machine, but my guess is:

var body = document.getElementsByName('main')[0];

Doesn't call any element on your html, it is the name of your Meteor template.
You need to add an element with the name="main" , eg

<template name="main">
     <h1>Welcome to TICTACTOE App</h1>
     <p><b>Layout Number :</b> <input type="text" id="no" ></p>
     <p name="main"></p>

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