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C# XML Select Multiple Nodes

I am trying to modify a website that was built by some other web developers.

The part in question, reads an XML data file and pulls back data to display on a Google Map.

They have a line of code;

string path = Server.MapPath(OutageXmlVirtualPath); //path to XML file

OutageData outages = XMLUtil.Deserialize<OutageData>(path);

Outage outage = outages.Outages.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PostCodes.Any(p => FoundOutagePostcode(p)) && !o.Planned);

That pulls the First record in the XML that matches a postcode the user has entered into a textbox. (lastOrDefault works also)

The issue with this however, is that the postcode they enter might appear more than once. In another node in the XML. So what I want to do is pull back all of the records in the XML that match. Not just the first. I can see that there is 'All' and 'SelectMany' methods, but dont know how to implement these into my code.

I would consider myself a complete novice in this area.

If anyone is able to lend any help that would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


XML sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<OutageData xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <Region>South West</Region>
      <Status>In Progress</Status>
        <string>PL1 4RL</string>
        <string>PL2 1AF</string>
        <string>PL2 1AG</string>
        <string>PL2 1AH</string>
      <Region>West Midlands</Region>
      <Status>In Progress</Status>
      <ETR xsi:nil="true" />
        <string>SY7 9AX</string>
        <string>SY7 9AY</string>
        <string>SY7 9AZ</string>
        <string>SY7 9BE</string>

just try to use Where

var outagesFound = outages.Outages.Where(o => o.PostCodes.Any(p => FoundOutagePostcode(p)) && !o.Planned);

and then you can iterate through the outagesfound list using the foreach loop

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