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save a tuple to a django model

Is there a way to save a tuple to a django model?


Class User(models.Model):
  location = models.tupleField()

where User.location = (longitude, latitude)

Maybe you are looking for GeoDjango's PointField :

from django.contrib.gis.db import models

Class User(models.Model):
    location = models.PointField(help_text="Represented as (longitude, latitude)”)

Honestly, i didn't see tupleField in django documentation. I think better approach is add two fields longitude and latitude or create another model to store location and in User model add ForeignKey .

If you feel the need to save tuples in a single field, you should really look into relationships. That's the reason they were created.

Old answer:

This answer is assuming you're really saving locations.

If you're using PostgreSQL, you can use PostGIS . MySQL and Oracle has spacial fields built-in.

Django already supports Geo data. Eg -

from django.contrib.gis.db import models

class ModelName(models.Model):
    centroid = models.GeometryField(blank=True, null=True)

Then you can make all sorts of geo queries(eg find places that are within a specified area, sorted by distance etc) and your DBMS will take care of them. Plus from that single field, you can access your data like -

lat, long = [modelobject.centroid.x, modelobject.centroid.y]
# Or you can just use .x or .y directly

You can read more about them in the Geodjango documentation .

我推荐Django-Geoposition应用程序,此外,您可以在 Google 地图中查看纬度和经度。

I think this answer could help here as well.


As @p14z suggests, the best way to save my tuple was the ArrayField . For my example, I just wanted to save a Polygon extent , with this format:

(3.7739613717694787, 50.31527681737183, 4.726162032377, 50.49743217278623)

from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
my_tuple_field = ArrayField(models.FloatField(), size=4, null=True)

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