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php composer.phar update symfony2

I am starting with Symfony2 I try to install the bundle (fosuserbundle) and when I execute the command (php composer.phar update) the console shows me this message:

you must enable the openssl extension to download files via https Symfony2

I enabled the openssl in php extentions; eliminate (;) before the php_openssl in fichers php.ini , php.ini-development and php.ini-production ... I do all and the same message (I'm really tired of searching)

I use WampServer Version 2.4

You may want to check out this Enabling OpenSSL in WAMP

What version of WAMP are you running? Have you run <?php phpinfo(); ?> <?php phpinfo(); ?> and looked for openssl on the page?

Edit haha long day, thanks RiggsFolly.

In WAMPServer there are 2 php.ini files.

One in the \\wamp\\bin\\apache\\apache2.2.x\\bin folder which is used when you run PHP on your website ( that the file that is edited when you use the wampmanager menus to edit php.ini) and one in the \\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.xy folder.

When you are running PHP CLI ( Command Line Interface ) as you are when you execute php from the command line, the the php.exe file uses the ini file locatied in \\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.xy\\php.ini . You have to edit this file manually, it is not accessible from the wampmanager menu system.

So edit \\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.xy\\php.ini and in that file remove the comment ; from the php_openssl.dll line, and any other extensions that you may be using when you run php in CLI mode.

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