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Spotify create playlist and add tracks

I am trying to add a "save as playlist" button to my app API 1.0.

Can someone help me figure out what is wrong here?

var player_obj = models.Album.fromURI('spotify:album:7o7UHh5PfO1kY4YoxqrwN7');
    var saved_playlist = new models.Playlist.create(player_obj.name);
        for (var i = 0, l = snapshot.length; i < l; i++) {
            var track = snapshot.get(i);

Get the error: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'add'

The playlist gets created, but it is empty.

When the player_obj is a playlist, I get the same error, but the playlist gets created partially with "Loading..." where the name would be in the left side.

var player_obj = models.Playlist.fromURI('spotify:user:diannallm:playlist:7A5y9BA7dxQfOdEoN8igbY');

Finally figured this out.

    models.Playlist.create(player_obj.name).done(function(new_playlist) {
        new_playlist.load('tracks').done(function(new_playlist_tracks) {
                //This also works, but is less efficient and tracks may be entered out of order
                for (var i=0; i<tracksnapshot.length; i++){
                    var track = tracksnapshot.get(i);

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