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PHP_include file from nested folders

I am working on a school project. My index works but when I click on 'Lab 1 Q1' located at labs/1/1.html it takes me to the page but my <?php include('/main-nav.php') ?> is not working. I also tried <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/mobile-nav.php") ?> which did not work and I believe this is because I am currently using wamp so the 'root', I believe, is C:\\wamp and inside there I have www/school/index.php.

How can I have a working file path not hard coded in?

The include method is using server-side paths, so /main-nav.php is looking for the file in the root folder of your hard drive .

One option is to use a relative path:

include('../../main-nav.php'); // Go up two levels


   <?php include('./main-nav.php') ?>

For include path, have a look in include_path directive in your php.ini

you can also try a

<?php phpinfo() ?>

and search the "include_path" directive

"/" have no sense in a Windows OS.

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