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how to post and get data using php and codeigniter without page reload

I am beginner in codeigniter MVC.

Question: How to send and receive data using codeigniter and PHP without page refresh or reload.

NOTE: Please give some MVC examples using either ajax or jquery or both.

There are many tutorials in google about this. But here is the simple example using CodeIgniter and Jquery:

  1. Create a file named test_controller.php in your controller folder. Put this code:

     <?php class Test_controller extends CI_Controller { public function index() { $this->load->view("test_view"); } public function do_ajax() { $name=$this->input->post("name"); //get posted data echo "Hello $name, I am AJAX"; //return response } } 
  2. Create a file named test_view in your View folder. Put this code:

     <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> function getpost_ajax() { var name=$("#name").val(); //begin ajax $.post("<?php echo site_url('stack/test_controller/do_ajax'); ?>", { //data to post name:name }, function(data){ //on success, alert the data alert(data) }); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="text" id="name" /> <input type="button" onclick="getpost_ajax()" value="GO!"/> </body> </html> 
  3. Open in your browser: http://localhost/your_site_folder/index.php/test_controller . Fill the textbox with any data, and then click GO!. It will post the data from the textbox, and alert the response.

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