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Disabling autoescape using symfony and form_widget()

Using Symfony 2, I'm trying to print out a label by using


The label I'm trying to print is containing actual HTML markup:

$builder->add('client', 'text', array('label' => '<a href="#">Client</a>'));

But Symfony autoescapes the label and prints it out as text and not as HTML. So I've tried to use both

form_widget(form.client) | raw


{% autoescape false %} form_widget(form.client) {% endautoescape %}

but none of those two methods helped me, the output is still regarded as text and not HTML. Am I missing some setting or am I using it wrong?


Don't put HTML into your classes! Use Custom Form rendering to customize how your labels are rendered.

I think Twig filters should be inside the parenthesis and not outside - have you tried like this :

form_widget(form.client | raw)

Also, I would recommend adding the tag not in the class but directly in the template :

<a href="{{ your.variable }}"> {{ form_label(form.client) }} </a>

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