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change the path to php.ini or change the magic_quotes_gpc

how can I change the path to ini if i am on a hosted server?

suPHP_ConfigPath /data/30/2/38/95/2690747/user/2955185/htdocs/public_html order allow,deny deny from all

this methhod does not seem to work and puting

suPHP_ConfigPath /data/30/2/38/95/2690747/user/2955185/htdocs/public_html

causes error 500, I found the path using __file__ code and what am trying is to disable the magic_quotes_gpc for joomla. I would really be greatful since I have been here for hours

ini_set ("magic_quotes_gpc", false);

If this doesnt work, you should talk with your hoster and ask him if your request is possible. If you just signed up somehwere for some webspace, this will probably the problem.

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