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angular drop down selected ng-model not binding

I'm currently having a problem with selecting drop downs which are not working correctly with angularjs . Couldn't find anything that relates to my problem. It seems odd.

I am a newbie to angularjs so please forgive my ignorance

I am currently trying to retrofit angularjs onto my MVC5 application.

Here are the issues;

  1. When $scope.selected = $scope.options[0] is declared it is assigned, but as if the select list does not recognize the model's object and creates a new option

  2. Once you change the selected option on the drop-down, selected the object in scope is now empty?

Here is the code

The comprehension expression is incorrect. It looks like you want the whole option as the selected value so use this:

ng-options="o.text for o in options"

You should change your

<select ng-model="selected" ng-options="o.code as o.text for o in options"></select>


<select ng-model="selected" ng-options="o as o.text for o in options"></select>

to make it work as you expected.

because the documentation says select as label for (key , value) in object but in your case select is equal to code property of the object, not the object itself.

  <select ng-model="selected" ng-options="o.code as o.text for o in options"></select>
  <br />Code: {{ selected.code }}
  <br />Text: {{ selected.text }}

Your ng-model will contain the value of the select (in this case the index [0,1,2,etc]). So you are attempting something like this "1.code" or "2.text".

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