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Windows Phone In-app purchase Error

I used this wrapper for store functions to add to my Windows Phone 7 project condition to find out if user hase WP8 and enabled him in-apps and if not then just tell him.

I am using it like this:

        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 8)
            _store = StoreLauncher.GetStoreInterface("InAppPurchaseWrapper.Store, InAppPurchaseWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null");

        if (_store != null)
            var productListAsync = _store.LoadListingInformationAsync();
            productListAsync.Completed = (async, status) =>
                    var listingInformation = async.GetResults();
                    var removeAdItem = listingInformation.ProductListings[Constants.RemoveAddKey];

                    PurchaseItem(removeAdItem.ProductId, Result);

    public void PurchaseItem(string id, Action<bool> result)
            var purchaseAsync = _store.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(id, false);
            purchaseAsync.Completed = (async, status) =>
                    if (status == StoreAsyncStatus.Completed)
                        var licenseInfo = _store.LicenseInformation;
                        if (licenseInfo.ProductLicenses[id].IsActive)
                            appSettings.IsAdVisible = false;
                        if (status == StoreAsyncStatus.Error)
                            var forceException = async.GetResults();
                catch (Exception)


The problem is when I am calling RequestProductPurchaseAsync then I get: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) . But It was working. For one time I can buy that in-app and when I downloaded licenses I get it there. But not anymore. I was trying to restart emulator, OS but so far nothing helps. Anyone knows where could be problem? Thanks

Edit: I find out that if I first run some sample application with same ProductId and that app is target for WP8. Then it's okay and I can buy in-app. If then I run original app (target for WP7) then I can buy in-apps too. So where could be problem? Is it posible to have working wrapper for Store functions for WP7 project? Should I send first WP8 app to Beta test and then use it's productId for WP7?

不允许WP7使用Windows Phone Store应用内购买您应该实施自己的应用内购买服务

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