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How to convert a CroppedBitmap to BitmapImage

I am trying to convert a CroppedBitmap to BitmapImage * EDIT:Without using a memorystream.*

I have tried to directly convert it, seems that is not an option. This should't be that hard.

I am attempting to cut out part of a BitmapImage, and create a BitmapImage that contains only the new cropped Bitmap.

It would seem a BitmapImage is a specialized version of BitmapSource (which is what a CroppedBitmap is). You can easily convert from Image to source, but not the otherway around.

This answer likely works, though I never looked into it.

BitmapSource to BitmapImage

The easiest solution for me was to convert all my BitmapImages into BitmapSources. I didn't even have to edit any other code. I guess I wasn't using the specialized parts.

you can try this Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Image file path or image stream); after that use the save function like this bm.Save(Image path,format);

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