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When enabling php_curl extension it's showing error

I install wampserver on Windows 7 (64 bit) on server where some another service are also installed like IIS etc. So I change the port from 80 to 8080 in httpd.conf.I install 2.4 version. So here when I try to enable php_curl it's showing error

Could not execute menu item (internal error)[Exception] Could not perform sevice action

In apache_error I found that.... it's showing

php warning: PHP startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\\Program FilesFilemaker\\Filemaker Server\\Web Publishing\\publishing-engine\\php\\ext\\php_curl.dll'-%1 is not a validwin32 application.\r\n in unknown on line 0

You're going to have some issues here because you have FileMaker server installed and it has it's own PHP stack installed and it has that set in your Path variable. So when you try to starup WAMP, windows is trying to intialize the curl.dll in the FileMaker php directory.

I highly advise not trying to run both WAMP and FileMaker server on the same machine if you are using IIS and FileMaker CWP/IWP/XML.

If you absolutely have to, you're going to need to edit your path variable but you're probably going to break the filemaker server's php install doing so. I haven't ever gotten it to work correctly.

@user3068785 You would write your php separately, then you would call that php through a web portal on a layout. It is common to do things such as have PHP parse some xml from an API using parameters from FileMaker. You can calculate out the address you want to call using a calculation and concatenating your parameters.

FileMaker PHP is just an API library which proviced for the ability to create PHP scripts that can interact with or just display data from FileMaker.

for example, lets say you have a FileMaker database named "Contacts" and you host it locally on your server at: Your username is Ralph and your password is blankets. In php, you can make a simple function to do something like:


require_once ('FileMaker.php');
define('FM_HOST', '');
define('FM_FILE', 'Contacts');
define('FM_USER', 'Ralph');
define('FM_PASS', 'blankets');

$fm = new FileMaker('TSG', '', $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
    $result = $fm->listLayouts();
    foreach ($result as $layout){
        <--do something with your layouts that have been parsed into an array -->


The API goes much deeper with being able to call records, specific fields, allow you to pull valuelists, edit records, create records etc.

I solved this issue. I see that When I installed Filemaker Server that time its also installed PHP. After that Again I installed wamp server.So If i called a php file than its supports comes from filemaker server 's PHP folder. Here in this PHP folder's php.ini i enable the php_curl extension.

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