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How to detect missing parameter route and show relevant message

Working on Laravel 4, I created following route and able to fetch ID:

Route::get('details/{ID}', 'Exchange@details');

Issue is when I miss ID in route then it shows: NotFoundHttpException error. I want to avoid this. How do I proceed? Even in global.php I added following but did not work:

    print "Not Found";
//  return Response::make(
//      View::make('errors/404')
//  , 404);

Controller Method

public function details($exchangeID)
            echo "Print Details";
            echo $exchangeID;
            if(intval($exchangeID) == 0)
                throw new NotFoundException;

Update: Recommendation of redirecting to 404 works but I am more interested to detect missing ID and load my Own View with proper message information instead of showing plain 404 page.

Try like this :

    return View::make('errors.404');

The view is located in views/errors/404.blade.php

I would try something like this

# file routes.php
Route::get('{ID?}', 'SomeController@getDetails')

# file SomeController.php
function getDetails($ID=null) {
    if empty($ID) {
        return Redirect::to('PREVIOUS PAGE')
            ->with('error', 'invalid value');

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