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Fluent Assertions compare string to Guid

I am trying to find the most fluent manner to assert that a certain string is a valid Guid.

iterTags.GUID is a string .

My first attempt ended in error because string does not implement Guid . Okay, I saw it coming as it was a shot in the dark


So i came up with this working solution but it's not fluent

Guid parsedGuid;
if (!Guid.TryParseExact(iterTags.GUID, "D", out parsedGuid))
    Assert.Fail("iterTags.GUID: '{0}' is not a valid guid");

Reading the documentation I found no better way of doing the assertion.

My question: Is there a fluent way of asserting a string is a valid Guid

Perhaps, something like...

Guid parsedGuid;
Guid.TryParseExact(iterTags.GUID, "D", out parsedGuid).Should.BeTrue("because {0} is a valid Guid string representation", iterTags.GUID);


new Action(() => new Guid(iterTags.GUID)).ShouldNotThrow("because {0} is a valid Guid string representation", iterTags.GUID);

You could also use the not be empty check on a GUID, that way you can use FluentAssertions's empty checking:

Guid.TryParse(iterTags.GUID, out var parsedIterTagsGUID)

Or as extension:

    public static AndConstraint<FluentAssertions.Primitives.GuidAssertions> ShouldBeGuid(this object value, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
        Guid.TryParse(value?.ToString(), out var guid);
        return guid.Should().NotBeEmpty(because, becauseArgs);

The above can be done better, by extending something else like:

    public static AndConstraint<GuidAssertions> BeGuid(this StringAssertions value, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
        Guid.TryParse(value.Subject, out var guid);
        return guid.Should().NotBeEmpty(because, becauseArgs);

    public static AndConstraint<GuidAssertions> BeGuid(this ObjectAssertions value, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
        return (value.Subject as Guid?).Should().NotBeNull().And.NotBeEmpty(because, becauseArgs);

Or maybe even better by proposing a pull request on: https://github.com/fluentassertions/fluentassertions

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