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Create heatmap with (x,y) coordinated order

I draw heatmap using R

heatmap.2(correlation,col=topo.colors(75), scale="none",
      key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE, density.info="none", trace="none", cexRow=0.5)

But, the heatmap is not assigned against the order of data(corrrelation). If you take a close look on the x and y labels, it is totally mixed up. So, how can I draw heatmap through just input-data ordered (x,y) format?


I think you want to add Rowv=FALSE and Colv=FALSE arguments to your function.

The default is to cluster the data by rows and columns, and setting Rowv and Colv both to FALSE (or NA) will prevent this:

heatmap.2(correlation,col=topo.colors(75), scale="none",
      key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE, density.info="none", trace="none", cexRow=0.5, Colv=FALSE, Rowv=FALSE)

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