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Symfony2, autoredirect if all parameters are default in route

Is here any possibility to tell Symfony2 framework that if all parameters in my route have default values will be redirected to this same route but withtout them? Same as Symfony2 generate URL adressses.

For example:

    path:     /{type}/{page}
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeBlogBundle:Default:index, type: "page", page: 1}
        page: \d+
        type: page

So if i have /page/2 it will be ok, but if I put /page/1 to URL I'll be redirected to / . Is it possible and if is, how?

In action add parameter $page which is a {page} placeholder in route and then use if for check first page. And same with type:

public function pageAction($type, $page) {

    if ($type == 'page' &&  $page == 1) {


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