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How I can enable, or disable modules in magento by cron?

I using maintenance page module in magento and I want to enabled and disabled by cron. How I can do it that with cron jobs?

Hello you can disabled the module using cron service

I am creating a custom extension for that ,please us this

    Please create config.xml under app/code/local/Amit/CustomDisable    
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                        <schedule><cron_expr>*/15 * * * *</cron_expr></schedule>


          create Observer.php under app/code/local/Amit/CustomDisable/Model/
public function setupforcustom(){
  // Disable the module itself
        $moduleName='Mage_Wishlist';//like an example 
                $nodePath = "modules/$moduleName/active";
                if (Mage::helper('core/data')->isModuleEnabled($moduleName)) {
                    Mage::getConfig()->setNode($nodePath, 'false', true);

                // Disable its output as well (which was already loaded)
                $outputPath = "advanced/modules_disable_output/$moduleName";
                if (!Mage::getStoreConfig($outputPath)) {
                    Mage::app()->getStore()->setConfig($outputPath, true);

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