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AngularJS - ng-include ng-controller and scope not binding

I have the following main view

<div ng-include="'otions.html'"></div>

and options.html has the following

<div ng-controller="OptionsController">Options</div>
<input type="text" ng-model="keyword" value="{{keyword}}" />
<button ng-click="search()">Search</button>

But "keyword" is not binding to the scope in OptionsController.

              ['$scope', function($scope) {

  $scope.keyword = "all";
  $scope.search = function() {


when I click on the button, I don't see hello and the keyword all doesn't appear in the input text.

I tried moving the ng-controller part as follows

<div ng-controller="OptionsController" ng-include="'otions.html'"></div>

And things work as expected.

I read through the answers in AngularJS - losing scope when using ng-include - and I think my problem is related, but just need some more explanation to undertstand what's going on.

You should write options.html like this:

<div ng-controller="OptionsController">Options
<input type="text" ng-model="keyword" value="{{keyword}}" />
<button ng-click="search()">Search</button>

OptionsController should be put in the outer html element.

i have face same problem,

Under main tag it will be work fine but, When bind some data to nav.html it not work.

find this link

AngularJS - losing scope when using ng-include

inside include its work child scope. better option to create custom directive its easy solution

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