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IE8 / IE9 / IE11: text type input onkeyup: on keycode 13 loses focus

the following code should display the charcode of keys pressed including enter (13) but it doesn't in IE. In IE8 / IE9 / IE11 (and probably IE10 but I don't have it somewhere right now) it moves focus to another element when I press the enter key. Why and how to solve this ? I could use onkeydown, but why doesn't work with onkeyup as well as in all other browsers?

I should say that this will not happen if I remove the button element or the input type image but obviously a page will have many such elements.

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function onuserinput(e) {
                var keyC = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;

        <input type="text" id="myinput" onkeyup="onuserinput(event);"/>
        <input type="image" id="img" src="" alt="random input type image" title=""/>
        <button id="aaa">random button</button>

Try onkeyup , it should work. As I understand onuserinput fires after pressing enter or losing focus, so keyup must fires before.

I had the same problem. IE default behavior, it seems, is submit the nearest button in the "form". For elude this behavior, include type="button" propierty to the html button, it works for me:

<button type='button'>This button will not submit by default</button>

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