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FOSElasticaBundle multiple nested query

I use FOSElasticaBundle to handle searching. All works great when I have one level of nesting. However, when I have two levels of nesting results which should match the innermost nest are not returned (eg searching for 'xx' category does produce results, but searching for 'yy' brand does not - and should).

Here's my fos_elastica configuration:

    default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 }
        client: default
                    title: { boost: 1 }
                    articleNumber: ~
                    introductionDateSearch: { type: integer }
                    delistingDateSearch: { type: integer }
                    deleted: { type: boolean }
                        type: "nested"
                            name: { boost: 1 }
                                type: "nested"
                                    name: { boost: 1 }
                    driver: orm
                    model: MyBundle\Entity\Product
                    provider: ~
                    finder: ~
                    listener: ~

And my query handler:

public function searchForKeyword($keyword, AbstractUser $user)
    $keyword = trim($keyword);

    if ($keyword !== '') {
        $mainQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Bool();
        $mainProductQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Bool();

        //searching in Product title
        $productQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Text();
        $productQuery->setFieldQuery('title', $keyword);
        $productQuery->setFieldParam('title', 'boost', 5);
        $productQuery->setFieldParam('title', 'type', 'phrase_prefix');

        //searching in Product articleNumber
        $articleNumberQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Text();
        $articleNumberQuery->setFieldQuery('articleNumber', $keyword);
        $articleNumberQuery->setFieldParam('articleNumber', 'boost', 5);
        $articleNumberQuery->setFieldParam('articleNumber', 'type', 'phrase_prefix');

        //searching in Category name
        $categoryQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Text();
        $categoryQuery->setFieldQuery('name', $keyword);
        $categoryQuery->setFieldParam('name', 'boost', 3);
        $categoryQuery->setFieldParam('name', 'type', 'phrase_prefix');

        $nestedCategoryProductQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Nested();

        //searching in Brand name
        $brandQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Text();
        $brandQuery->setFieldQuery('name', $keyword);
        $brandQuery->setFieldParam('name', 'boost', 3);
        $brandQuery->setFieldParam('name', 'type', 'phrase_prefix');

        $nestedBrandCategoryQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Nested();



        $esFilteredQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Filtered($mainQuery, $this->filters);

    } else {
        $esFilteredQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Filtered(new \Elastica\Query\MatchAll(), $this->filters);

    $this->query = new \Elastica\Query();

How is the $nestedBrandCategoryQuery added to the $mainProductQuery ?

Thanks for your help! gtb

FOSElasticaBundle uses the Elastica Library. So this should not be an issue of FOSElasticaBundle.

Have a Look at http://elastica.io/ for more Details about the Lib. In my experience,there is nothing you can not do with Elastica if it is supported by Elasticsearch. Even when there is no Mapper in Elastica, just use the Raw Array Query ( http://elastica.io/example/raw-array-query.html ) to build the desired Query.

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