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Unable to enable/disable checkbox via [selector].attr & .removeattr



Goal is to be able to enable and disable a checkbox dynamically. I've tried by referencing the class and/OR id of the checkboxes in question and then use .attr("disabled", "disabled") or .removeAttr("disabled")

<input id="check" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" class="enableDisable"><label for="check2" >Initially Disabled</label>
<input id="check2" type="checkbox"  class="enableDisable"><label for="check2" >Initially Enabled</label>

//attempt to ENABLE checkbox1

//attempt to change state of second checkbox - DISABLE it...
$("#check2").attr("disabled", "disabled");

Also have tried playing around with [selector].prop to no avail. Can someone give me a push in the right direction and/or punch me in the face to relieve my agita?



  1. Use .prop() instead of .attr()
  2. For targeting ids use # (hash)
  3. For classes use . (dot)

//attempt to ENABLE checkbox1

$("#check").prop('disabled', false);

//attempt to change state of second checkbox - DISABLE it...


1. You need to include jQuery in your fiddle

2. Your class applies to both elements, so when you use it as a selector for disabling, you disable both elements:


You should just use the (unique) IDs instead and remove the class selector line:

$('#check2').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Your updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KU29Q/2/

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