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PHP Soap - Can't import schema

I want to connect to a Soap server, but I have the error :

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: can't import schema from 'http://domain.com:80/services.xsd

I took a look on other questions, and I have my "allow_url_open" to ON, I use SOAP_1_1 and OpenSSL is enabled. Something is weird, the URL to my SOAP server is :


And in the error, there is no more "https", but only "http" on port 80. I tried :

wget https://domain.com/services?WSDL

And it works. I have an XML file with all my services. But, using PHP and :

    $client = new SoapClient('https://domain.com/services?wsdl',         
        "trace" => 1,
         "soap_version" => SOAP_1_1
catch (SoapFault $e)

I have the "Parsing Schema: can't import schema" error. Do I need to configure something else on my PHP ? I am using Nginx and PHP-FPM 5. Thanks.


Are you able to access above link in your browser?

No, I guess.Similarly it is not accessible through your code also. This schema location must be defined in your wsdl ie


You can add those elements from schema into wsdl. You can follow this approach to get rid of it.


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