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Creating and Storing a Record with ember-data

I've set up the following model:

App.Store = DS.Store.extend({adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter});
App.store = App.Store.create();
App.Proposal = DS.Model.extend({
    title: DS.attr('string'),
    description: DS.attr('description')
App.Proposal.FIXTURES = [...];

That works great, and my app pulls out my fixture data and sets it all up. I can move around my app without issues.

Since displaying data works, I created a route to create a new Proposal. I can't figure out how to save it back to my data store though, and I think I'm doing everything correctly. Here's what I'm doing:

App.ProposalsNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
    newRecord: function() {
        this.set('content', App.Proposal.createRecord());
    actions: {
        saveNewProposal: function() {
            var newProposal = App.Proposal.createRecord({...});

App.ProposalsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    setupController: function(controller) {

When newProposal.save() is called, nothing appears in the datastore. My other concern is that most of the documentation says I should use this.store instead of App.Proposal when creating the record, but then that generates the following error:

TypeError: Object proposal has no method '_create'

What is the proper way to create and save a record? Or is it just because I'm using the FixtureAdapter?

You are indeed using a fairly old version of Ember Data.

Here's a quick example of Ember with a 1.0 beta version of ED.


Here's some basic concepts that you'll need to change:

You don't need to create the store anymore, you create adapters

Application wide adapter

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter;

Model specific adapter

App.ColorAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter;

Model creation/finding

Creating a model (from a route/controller)

this.get('store').createRecord('color', {name: 'green'});

Finding a model (from a route/controller)

this.get('store').find('color'); //find all of the colors

this.get('store').find('color', 1); //find color id 1

You'll want to glance over the Ember Data transition, which will be published as soon as they actually go to ED 1.0. That's why the documentation is so out of date.


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