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event.stopPropagation Not Working in Firefox

I am building a sidebar vertical menu that contains Main Menu items and one level of sub-menu items.

I am using Javascript and CSS so that when the user clicks a top-level menu item, its sub-menu items will toggle their visibility - ie Click a main item and its sub items will appear. Click the main item again and the sub items disappear.

To avoid the sub-menu from toggling when the user clicks a sub-menu item, I used the event.stopPropagation() method.

The desired result works in Chrome, Safari, and Dolphin, but does not work in Firefox 26.0 nor Android Firefox 26.0.1.

If you run this example (JSBin) , you will notice that you can click Menu 2 and/or Menu 3 and a sub-menu will be displayed. That part is fine in all browsers.

However, if you click a sub-menu item (ie Menu 3.1) in Firefox, the sub-menu will disappear - which is not the desired effect I want. If you click a sub-menu item in Chrome/Safari, the sub-menu stays visible - which is what I want to occur.

I read on Mozilla Developer Network that the event.stopPropagation() is supported in Chrome , Firefox (Gecko) , IE9 , Opera , and Safari (WebKit) . So, I'm confused as to why the stopProp method is not working in my case.

Can you take a look at my JS example and tell me what's up?

Here's the Javascript that I'm running ( also at JSBIN ):

function goTo(id) {
     location.href = id;

 function toggleChildDisplay(parentElement) {
     var children = parentElement.children;
     var displayStyle = "";
     for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
         displayStyle = children[i].style.display;
         if (displayStyle.toLowerCase() === "none" || displayStyle === "") 
             children[i].style.display = "list-item";
             children[i].style.display = "none";

... and here's the HTML:

<ul class="level1">
    <li onclick="toggleChildDisplay(this)">Menu 1</li>
    <li onclick="toggleChildDisplay(this)">Menu 2
        <ul class="level2">
            <li onclick="goTo('#')">Menu 2.1</li>
            <li onclick="goTo('#')">Menu 2.2</li>
            <li onclick="goTo('#')">Menu 2.3</li>
    <li onclick="toggleChildDisplay(this)">Menu 3
        <ul class="level2">
            <li onclick="goTo('#')">Menu 3.1</li>
            <li onclick="goTo('#')">Menu 3.2</li>

PS The environment that I'm developing on will not allow me to use jQuery.

You need to pass the event as an argument to your function.

goTo(event, '#')

Then you can do event.stopPropagation() and it knows what event is.


Javascript now..

inline javascript is not a proper way to write code

This example shows a 'innovative' solution to handle a menu.

it also shows you how to correctly handle the event and the event's target.

It uses:

  1. classList
  2. dataset
  3. one handler for multiple elements.
  4. css to display and hide thee elements.

function handler(e){
 var target=e.target||e.srcElement;
 var action=target.dataset['action']||'no action';
var firstUL=document.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];



the boring stuff is that you need to find the various elements with getEl...

but at the end you have more control over everything.

and here is a accordion function.


if you have any questions just ask.

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