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iOS Simulator Ignores Half of the Screen?

My app is working fine in iOS 7 , but when I simulate it in iOS 6 simulator , it seems , that it only loads top half of the screen. How can I solve this ?

This is an screenshot of how the view is in the storyboard builder and in the simulator :


set your iPhone retina 4 launch image 640*1136


You have to add a splash screen (Default.png) of (640 × 1136)... without this app treated app as its iphone 4s & below device


You need to set the UI for iOS7 as well as iOS6.

  1. Just open your storyboard and then click on assistant editor.
  2. Now open storyboard preview in assistant editor.
  3. There is a button in assistant editor at right hand bottom corner which says iOS7 or later, click on it and select iOS6 or earlier.
  4. Now you can see the UI for both iOS7 and iOS6 side by side on the screen.
  5. Now select a particular view controller and then select size inspector.
  6. In size inspector you just need to set the iOS6/7 Deltas for iOS6 screens.

That's it.

check this url too : https://developer.apple.com/library/IOs/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TransitionGuide/SupportingEarlieriOS.html

If you have any problem then let me know.

This happens because of the resolution of iOS6 is lesser than iOs 7 simulator. You can use Autolayout option to solve this issue.

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