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PHP on Windows Include path for Zend Framework not working

I know this should be real simple, but I can't get Zend Framework to work.

What I did so far:

1 - Downloaded Zend Frame Full

2 - Extracted everything to c:\\php\\includes\\ZendFramework.

3 - Modified the php.ini file so now it shows

; Paths and Directories ;

; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"
;include_path = ".:/php/includes"
; Windows: "\path1;\path2"
include_path = ".;C:\php\includes;C:\php\includes\ZendFramework\library"

4 - Added same info to my 'path' in windows system variable, so now the relevant portions look like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.4;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin;C:\php\includes;C:\php\includes\ZendFramework\library

I used the Zend InstallationChecker from http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk/demos/Zend/Gdata/InstallationChecker.php and receive the following response:

Zend Framework Installation Errors Tested


Exception thrown trying to access Zend/Loader.php using 'use_include_path' = true. Make sure you include Zend Framework in your include_path which currently contains: .;C:\\php\\includes;C:\\php\\includes\\ZendFramework\\library

I've read all sorts of install guides and I'm pretty sure I've done everything I was supposed to. Why is this not working?

That installation checker is part of ZF1, but if you downloaded the framework fresh, you've installed ZF2. It's quite possible that everything's installed fine, and it's the installation checker that is broken (as it looks for a file that doesn't exist in ZF2).

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