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Apache VirtualHost Loading the Wrong Page


An Apache VirtualHost keeps loading the wrong directory when I'm telling it to load a completely different part. Here is what I have for the VirtualHost:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Workspace/Font"
    ServerName fonts.wrks.tk
#   ErrorLog "/Logs/Workarea/Fonts/Error.log"
#   CustomLog "/Logs/Workarea/Fonts/Access.log" common
    <Directory "/Workspace/Font">
        AllowOverride all
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

So, the problem, I'm telling it to load /Workspace/Font But it's not, it's loading /Workspace instead. I'm not sure how this came to be.

Attempt at Solution

There's not much I could do considering that the search on Google gave me no relevant results on what I was trying to fix. But regardless, here is some things I did myself to try and fix it.

  • Restarted Apache Multiple times
  • Changed permissions around:
    • sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /Workspace/Fonts (I run XAMPP, and the user and group is daemon )

  • Checked Error Logs (Nothing Relevant to the problem was printed)
  • Created a index folder and/or tried to access folder and files within the domain.

It turns out I didn't have the VirtualHosts line uncommented, thanks for anyone that helped in the past. But everything works now.

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