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Assemble: register handlebar helper function

I'm using assemble 0.4.17 which has bundled handlebar 1.3.0.
I'm trying to add a custom handlebar helper as documented here .

So I added this to my Gruntfile (at the bottom of the file, outside of module.exports = function(grunt) { )


module.exports.asdf = function (str)  {  return 'asdf here!'; };

And added this to


And I would suggest that asdf here! would show up in the generated html, but it does not, instead only a blank line is printed. I also tried the module.exports.register = function (Handlebars, options) method, but this didn't work as well. Do I need to add something else to add this handlebar helper?

I'm new to Assemble and grunt and handlebar, so I might just be missing the obvious

The helpers should be declared in another file and added to the helpers option in your assemble target:


module.exports.asdf = function (str) { return 'asdf here!'; };


  assemble: {
    options: {
      helpers: ['./my-helper.js']
    someTarget: {

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