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MediaElement.js audio tag doesn't get style added dynamic

Hello guys one question...

I want to use MediaElement.js to wrap my audio tags so I can have the same player on all browsers... I use JQM 1.4...

When I add the element static it works

<audio id="audio_element" preload="none" controls="controls">
      <source src="ClassicMelody.mp3">
      <source src="ClassicMelody.ogg">

But when I add it dynamic like this it doesn't have the MedialElement style:

var content =$('<div data-role="collapsible" id="set"' + naslov + '"><h3><img class="imgg" style="vertical-align: middle;margin-right:30px" src="images/'+slika+'" width="150" height="150"  /><span class="titleg" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle">'+ stevilka +'Sectionit ' + naslov + '</span></h3><p>' + kratek + '</p><audio id="audio_element" preload="none" controls="controls"><source src="'+ posneteki +'"><source src="'+ posneteka +'"></audio><a data-ajax="false" href="#" onclick="poslinapri(\''+niz+'\')" class="ui-btn ui-shadow ui-corner-all"><div class="prostor1tr">More</div></a></div>')


What can couse this problem ?



Dynamically added video and audio tags should be initialized after appending them.


You have two solutions to achieve this.

  1. Solution one:

    Append content as an object and enhance it using .collapsible() .

     var content = $( $("<div/>").collapsible() ); $("#parent").append(content); 
  2. Solution two:

    Call enhancement on parent div, to enhance all contents using .enhanceWithin() .

     var content = $("<div/>"); $("#parent").append(content).enhanceWitin(); 


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