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div alignments will not position side by side

I have two div's that I am trying to position side by side but am having trouble. I understand that div's are block elements but I have never had trouble positioning them side-by-side before..


<div class="contact">
    <div class="team" id="staff-1"> 
        <div id="DIV_2">
            <img id="brian" src="../img/brian.png">
    <div class="team" id="staff-1"> 
        <div id="DIV_2">
            <img id="brian" src="../img/brian.png">


I do not want to post all of the CSS because it is rather long for a SO post, but here it is loaded in a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rynslmns/5pQJ7/

You can either use floating or inline-block elements:

.team {
    float: left;
    width: 33%;


.team {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 33%;

I would choose "display: inline-block" as you don't have to clear the floating afterwards.

You simply need to use css float to get them to be side by side.

.contact {
    overflow: hidden;

.team {

Here is your example code:


Note, your IDs were incorrect, you can't have 2 IDs that have the same value, I made them unique. Also, utilizing floats without any other content in a bounding block element has some issues which I fixed in the example code. See http://www.quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html for more info. It is the reason why I added overflow: hidden .

IDs "staff-1", "brian" and "DIV_2" are repeated. DOM id is unique.

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