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Blank Attribute Values in wso2 IS

I am using wso2 IS 4.5.0. I recently modified the standard policy editor so as to use a new attribute but the modification doesn't seem to work. Specifically, when I select the attribute and hit Search, the attribute finder returns the message:

No entitlement data finder module is defined for this category

Has anyone an idea on how to resolve this? thanks in advance, Maria

Yes.... It is the expected behavior with default implementation. Let me explain this further; Attributes are retrieved to this UI page, using an pluggable entitlement data finder modules. These modules can be plugged with WSO2IS. Attribute sources can be from databases, user stores or any... Default implementation is only retrieved roles from WSO2IS user store. But, if you want more to show in this UI, You can do it by extending default implementations. Please find the source fore default implementation from here . This would help you to get some idea.

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