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Emacs, tramp, plink problem on XP

The target machine is running Ububtu server 8.04.
Here's the tramp output:

tramp: Opening connection for nungu@ip.ip.ip.ip using nil...<br>
tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell<br>
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell<br>
tramp: Sending password<br>
tramp: Found remote shell prompt.<br>
tramp: Initializing remote shell<br>
Loading time-date...done<br>
tramp: Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...<br>
tramp: Setting up remote shell environment

apply: Couldn't `stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'', see buffer `*tramp/plink nungu@ip.ip.ip.ip*'

# Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
exec env 'ENV=' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=' 'PS1=$ ' /bin/sh
$ exec env 'ENV=' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=' 'PS1=$ ' /bin/sh
# Setting up remote shell environment
$ stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'
stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'

$ $ $ [[Regexp `\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\|^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'' not found in 30 secs]]

The command:
stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'
-inclr turns off "translate newline to carriage return"
-echo turns off "echo input characters"
kill '^U' sets '^U' to erase the current line

Same problem; and a fix

Working: NTEmacs-22.1 - Tramp Version: 2.0.55

Failing: NTEmacs-22.3.1 - Tramp Version: 2.0.58-pre

See comment - neither 2.0.* release worked on emacs-22.3.1

Upgraded to tramp 2.1.14 - emacs 22/3/1 works great

Recommend you try upgrading from Savannah .

Note: I didn't configure properly just deleted the existing tramp el and elc files from listp/net; and dropped the ones from the downloaded tar in - you need to modify trampver.el.in to build a meaningful lisp file - but it's not exactly rocket science

see buffer tramp/plink nungu@ip.ip.ip.ip'

Well, what's in that buffer?

edit thanks for adding the buffer output.

The 'stty' command is trying to configure the terminal that TRAMP is going to use to access the remote system. What happens if you SSH directly to the system and try to run the command? (Use the same args TRAMP is using...)

I don't know the technologies that you're talking about, but if Genehack says that your "regex isn't matching," then you need to test with a simpler Regex, or simplify your solution in some other way until you figure out the piece of the puzzle that does not work. You know, "it works with this simple regex, but not with this more complex one" or "it's not the regex at all, since NO regex works"...

Componentize, simplify, and bracket the problem, if you will...

I realize this is obvious, general advice, but it's Sunday morning...

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