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gmdate() returning 2 different results in 2 different controllers (codeigniter)

I have a situation where I am using the php function gmdate() in two different codeigniter controllers. The controllers are returning a 6 hour difference with the exact same calls.

Below is the controller that is returning the proper GMT date and below that is the one that is 6 hours off. Hopefully this is just an oversight on my part somewhere. Thanks in advance for any help.

    public function update_current_user($session_id){

    $currentURL = base_url().uri_string();

    $updateData = array(
            'id'=>$session_id   ,
            'last_updated'=>gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()),   
            'current_url'=> $currentURL
    $this->db->update('current_visitors', $updateData);
    return true;

Below is the one where it is returning 6 hours off.

    public function initiate_chat($id,$name)

    $currentURL = base_url().uri_string();

    $updateData = array(
            'id'=>$id   ,
            'last_updated'=>gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()),
            'chat_requested_time'=>gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()),    
    $this->db->update('current_visitors', $updateData);
    return $name;           

Set, default timezone date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); to one value then, you will get same value. Or use it where you are going to use date/time functions. For eg:

$curTime = gmdate('H:i:s',time());

It will return the current time with timezone set to GMT.

It's a problem related with Codeigniter and PHP 5.

You should set a default timezone in your php.ini file or you can use the solution provided by Phil Sturgeon, otherwise you will run into this problem everytime you'll make use of date/time functions


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