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Can I use Azure Active Directory For Testing

我正在将活动目录登录添加到内部应用程序但想要在隔离环境中进行测试,Azure Active Directory是否提供任何方式我可以创建“测试”AD以通过LDAP对用户进行身份验证以向我提供此隔离环境?

Azure Active Directory is a multi-tenant service that provides identity and access management for cloud applications. It's not the same as Server Active Directory nor is it an instance of Windows Server AD running in a Virtual Machine in Azure.

So, to answer your question - no.

If you want an instance of Server AD to test LDAP queries on you could spin one up in a Virtual Machine. You will need to put it in a Virtual Network. Also, create an instance of a Virtual Machine to run your application on that you want to test.

This tutorial should take care of it for you.


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