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Razor expression in Inline javascript parsing error

I am writing in Visual Studio 2012 (Visual Basic) ASP.NET MVC4 project.

Here is my piece of code:

<input type="button" value="EDIT" onclick="MngMCRItem('@Url.Action("EditMCRItem", "MCRForm", Nothing)', {doc_id : '@Model.DOC_ID', item_id : @itm.ITEM_ID_IN_DOC}, this.value)"/>

This code causes the editor show error

Unterminated string constant. Expected ')'.

Are there any better way to rewrite my code? Thank you in advance for every advice.

Currently, I have Resharper 8.2.1 with Visual Studio 2013 the problem has gone.

You have a problem with double quotes and single quotes here:

onclick="MngMCRItem('@Url.Action("EditMCRItem", "MCRForm", Nothing)'

You open double quote here -> "MngMCRItem('@Url.Action(" <- here it's closed so the next part of the command can not be understood...

@Alex Art, did you try putting my snippet into the Visual Studio editor and see what is going on? From that context, I am confident that I did NOT make the mistake. So, I will provide the clearer snippet below and I think this is easily obvious.

  Dim testing As String = "Hello World!"
End Code

<script type="text/javascript">
  var test = {
    foo : '@Html.Hidden("helloWorld", testing)', // This is perfectly OK
    bar : 'testing'

<input type="text" name="inpTesting" value="test" onclick="alert('@testing');" /> <!--ERROR in inline js-->
<input type="text" name="inpTesting" value="" onclick="alert('Hello World!');" /> <!--Server-Compiled(result) Code when using some browser 'view page source'-->

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