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How to execute Javascript alert when page loads the first time only

I am trying to execute a javascript alert, but only alert if it is the first time that browser / computer has viewed that page - or something similar to that.
How would this be done? I have written the Javascript to what I think it be similar to.

function alert() {
    alert(" Please view this is Firefox");
if (first time viewing this page) {

I really appreciate your help

You could use the JQuery Cookie Plugin for this.

function showPopUp() {
    var cookie = $.cookie('the_cookie');
        alert(" Please view this in Firefox");
        $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value');

You can use localStorage or cookies :

Here is an example with localStorage :

var visited = localStorage.getItem('visited');
if (!visited) {
  alert("Please view this is Firefox");
  localStorage.setItem('visited', true);

Don't use a Cookie it will be sent to the server at each time your make request. You can use Local Storage instead, like:

function load() {
  var isFired = localStorage.getItem('checkFired');

  if (isFired != '1'){
      alert(" Please view this is Firefox");
      localStorage.setItem('checkFired', '1');

Set cookie


Read a Cookie with JavaScript

var x = document.cookie;


function getCookie(cname)
var name = cname + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) 
  var c = ca[i].trim();
  if (c.indexOf(name)==0) return c.substring(name.length,c.length);
return "";

function checkCookie()
  var first=getCookie("first");
  if(first == "first")
    alert(" Please view this is Firefox");

Cookie in JS

看到此链接,您将获得一些基于cookie的想法示例 。一旦键入您的值,然后刷新它,它将显示该值。

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