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Code works on Powershell version 3 but not on Powershell 2

My below code works on Powershell version 3 but not on Powershell 2.

when I run (Get-counter -Counter "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 1).CounterSamples.CookedValue on v3 I get output but not in v2

[System.Int32] $NumberOfSamples = 3
[System.Int32] $FreeCPUThreshold = 10
[System.Double[]] $CPUArray = @()
[System.Int32] $LoopCounter = 1

    while ($LoopCounter -lt $NumberOfSamples)
        $CPUArray += (Get-counter -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 1).CounterSamples.CookedValue


    $CalculatedUsedCPU = [System.Math]::Floor( ($CPUArray | Measure-Object -average).Average)

    if ($CalculatedUsedCPU -gt $FreeCPUThreshold)
        Write-Host ("Free CPU threshold (" + $FreeCPUThreshold + " %) was hit on machine: `"" + $TargetHostname + "`", with value of: " + $CalculatedUsedCPU + " %.")

        Write-Host ("Free CPU threshold (" + $FreeCPUThreshold + " %) was hit on machine: `"" + $TargetHostname + "`", with value of: " + $CalculatedUsedCPU + " %." , "UNDER CONTROL")

It seems that CounterSamples is actually an array, so it should be

(Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 1).CounterSamples[0].CookedValue

The difference appears to be that Powershell 3.0 seems to treat an array containing a single item like the item for purposes of invoking methods and properties, for example:


will print True in 3.0 but yields an error in 2.0.

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